Monday, 26 September 2016

30th Aug 2016 Deenabandhu Science Park Inauguration

Deenabandhu Trust has a two acre plot close to Deenabandhu School where science park is established.. Now that Deenabandhu Primary school is upgraded into high school, the significance of Teacher Resource Centre and Science Park are increasingly felt. Deenabandhu Teacher Resource Centre was established in 2002 and has continued to grow. It has a research and development wing engaged and producing innovative Teaching Learning Material (TLM) and has produced over 700 unique TLMs.
Science Park is an extension of the same and consists of life sized play models. It is fun to play with them and at the same time they bring about clarity of the science concept behind the fun experience. This experience coupled with scientific interpretation is critical to the understanding of a science phenomenon.

On 30thAugust 2016 the science park was formally declared open by Dr. Melli Annamalai, PhD, Principal Senior Product Manager, Oracle, USA. Several of these models were already in use and numbers of school children were given an opportunity to use these amenities.

The park was established with the kind financial support from Oracle The Oracle is also supporting Teacher Resource Centre which endeavours for professional development of teachers in select Government primary schools spread over four blocks of Chamarajanagara district. 160 such primary school science teachers are involved. Science Park consists of more than 25 life sized special science play amenities and children can play and experience the fun. We have play models to show the mechanical advantage of simple machines like lever, inclined plane, pulleys etc. We also have models connected with magnetic levitation and other magnetic phenomenon. There are models connected with optical illusions and persistence of vision and physics of sound. Models showing reflection and properties of light are also erected. All these models are fabricated by a local fabricator who is guided for scientific specificity and precision by TRC staff.

More than 1000 visitors from all parts of Chamarajnagara district visited the Science Park on this day. Over 800 of them were students from different primary and high-school in and around Chamarajnagara. Around 200 teachers and educators also visited the park and the fair. Children were very excited to play with all the models in the park and were equally eager to know why and how it worked!? Teachers were also equally engaged. It again proved that the experiential learning creates deeper curiosity and better ability to grasp.